Hydrogen production by electrolysis. / 电解制氢。

2H2O + 2e- > H2 + 2OH-

2OH- > H2O + 1/2 O2 +2e-


In the akalyne electrolyser the negative cathode looses electrons to the aqueous solution. Water breaks down into hydrogen and hydroxide ions. At the positive anode the electrons are absorbed by the negative hydroxide ions which are so oxidised to form water and oxygen.



Hydrogen production - steam methane reforming method / 制氢-甲烷蒸汽重整方法

CH4 + H2O > CO + 3H2


Methane and water steam react in high temperature and in the presence of a catalyst to produce hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Heat needs to be added during this reaction (endothermic reaction)



Hydrogen production - Gasification / 氢气生产-气化

C + H2O > CO + H2


Carbon (coal) reacts with water in high temperature to produce carbon monoxide and hydrogen. This is also an endothermic reaction.



Fuel Cell / 燃料电池

Hydrogen gas from the tank feeds to the positive terminal. Oxygen from the air comes down to the negative terminal. The positive terminal (red) is made of platinum, a precious metal catalyst designed to speed up the chemistry that happens in the fuel cell. When atoms of hydrogen gas reach the catalyst, they split up into hydrogen ions (protons) and electrons. The protons, being positively charged, are attracted to the negative terminal (blue) and travel through the electrolyte towards it. The electrolyte is a thin membrane in the middle made of a special polymer (plastic) film and only the protons can pass through it. The electrons power the electromotor which drives the car.


Hydrogen Car Function Principle / 氢汽车功能原理

Hydrogen car - how it works in 3D virtual reality / 氢汽车 - 它如何在3D虚拟现实中工作