Here are the selected news about hydrogen as an energy source and how this changes the world. Significant part of the information relates to our wechat group which was founded by Hans Marius Schuster on June 28th 2019. You can reach him through his website
Please note that the date is often written in the YYMMDD format - e.g. 190628 means June 28th 2019


以下是有关氢作为能源以及如何改变世界的精选新闻。信息的重要部分与我们的微信集团hydrogen-society.com有关,该组织由Hans Marius Schuster于2019年6月28日创立。您可以通过他的网站与他联系
191211 BMW New Energy 2020 China Strategy


191209 Reduced cost by 30%, Yihuatong hydrogen fuel stack exceeded 500W / kg


降低成本30%,易化通氢燃料堆超过500W / kg
191209 Beijing Yanqing accelerates construction of hydrogen transportation facilities to provide guarantee for Beijing Winter Olympics


191204 The “Hundred People Group” in the hydrogen industry visited and inspected, and the influence of the Great Wall Hydrogen Technology Center was fully launched.


191202 hydrogen included in energy statistics from 2020


191202 778 kilometers of modern Nexo hydrogen fuel cells set a record


191129 World's First Commercially Operated Hydrogen Tram


191128 Xiongtao wins large order for 1,800 hydrogen vehicles


191127 Shell partners with Everfuel to partner Nordic's largest hydrogen plant


191127 Linde and Baowu Clean Energy establish strategic partnership to further promote the development of China's hydrogen energy market
191126 Panasonic hydrogen refueling station officially starts operation in Japan
191126 2019 to be identified as a national technology business incubator


191125 High-pressure hydrogen storage bottle structure and cost analysis




191122 Shunfeng officially launched hydrogen fuel logistics vehicle


191122 What to be expected in Chinese Blockchain Scene after Xi’s speech


191122 Germany’s hydrogen infrastructure to be further expanded thanks to BMVI/H2 Mobility MoU


借助BMVI / H2 Mobility MoU,德国的氢基础设施将得到进一步扩展
191120 methanol reforming hydrogen production technology


191120 List of hydrogen energy industry policies in 36 provinces and cities nationwide


191120 Anti-strangle! Today, Baidu Huawei jointly counterattacks, Google Apple is in trouble or is coming.


191119 The Impulse Summit for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart


氢和燃料电池的脉冲峰会,斯图加特Haus der Wirtschaft
191119 Europe largest hydrogen and fuel cells exhibition 2020


191119 World's Largest Hydrogen Fuel Cell Show


191119 2019 Fuel Cell Product Selection Manual


191119 Demonstration of hydrogen energy and fuel cell applications in 20 international airports around the world
191118 Sinopec Shanghai Oil Hydrogen Joint Construction Station put into operation


191117 There are 77 hydrogen refueling stations in Germany, and the development status and strategic trend of fuel cell vehicles in China and Germany


191117 Die Liberalen fordern einen stärkeren Fokus der Bundesregierung auf den Wasserstoff.


Wasserstoff的自由主义者Die Liberalen。
191117 Europe started the first shot of hydrogen metallurgy


191116 Scientists from Trinity College Dublin are using new tech to find the “holy grails” of catalysis.


191116 The Indian government has said it intends to use hydrogen-based fuel technology to help combat pollution


191114 Toyota will build the first 70MPa hydrogen refueling station in China


191112 Ministry of Education: Specialist to supplement hydrogen energy technology AI and other 9 majors


191112 Toyota's latest hydrogen fuel vehicle is expected to be launched in 2025; Mazda officially released the first electric car; Dacia became the best-selling car in Europe!


191111 20 yuan per KG! Shandong Jining supports the release of hydrogen energy development opinions


191110 Great Wall released 100kW hydrogen fuel cell engine


191110 Mercedes-benzs first pure tram eqc officially launched in beijing A total of two models, the guidance price was 579,800 and 622,800 yuan.Is undoubtedly another milestone in the history of brand development, opened the mercedes-benz electric era. With its independently developed power transmission system, the nedcs overall operating range is 415 kilometers, with a combined maximum power of 408 horsepower.If dc fast charging is used, the maximum power rating is selected, and the time required for charging from 10 to 80 of the power is not more than 45 minutes.


191110 Germany is set to introduce the world’s first zero-emission passenger train to be powered by hydrogen. The Coradia iLint only emits excess steam into the atmosphere, and provides an alternative to the country’s 4,000 diesel trains. Lower Saxony has already ordered 14 of them from French company Alstom, and more are likely to be seen around the country if they are judged a success, reports Die Welt. Testing is set to be carried out by the end of the year, before it opens up to the public in December 2017. The train was first presented at Berlin’s InnoTrans trade show in August, and it is set to be the first hydrogen-powered train to regularly ferry people over long distances. There’s also interest in the train from the Netherlands, Denmark and Norway. Read more Brexit sees UK drop to new low in global renewable energy league table Sweden on target to run 'entirely on renewable energy by 2040 Renewables surpass fossil fuel in record year for green energy The EU country which wants to run on 100 per cent renewable energy The iLint is powered by huge lithium ion batteries, and these get their energy from a hydrogen fuel tank on the roof of the train. The hydrail can travel almost 500 miles per day at speeds of up to 87mph, and the only sound it gives off comes from the wheels and air resistance. “Alstom is proud to launch a breakthrough innovation in the field of clean transportation," said Alstom CEO Henri Poupart-Lafarge, in a statement. "It shows our ability to work in close collaboration with our customers and develop a train in only two years.” Hydrogen power works when hydrogen is burned with oxygen to produce huge amounts of energy, with the only by-product being water. Nasa has used liquid hydrogen to propel its rockets into space since the 1970s.


德国将推出世界上第一部以氢为动力的零排放旅客列车。 Coradia iLint仅向大气排放过量的蒸汽,并提供了该国4,000列柴油火车的替代品。下萨克森州已经从法国阿尔斯通公司订购了其中的14辆,如果被认为是成功的话,很可能在全国范围内看到更多。测试定于今年年底进行,然后于2017年12月向公众开放。该火车于8月在柏林的InnoTrans贸易展览会上首次亮相,它将成为首款氢动力火车定期远距离运送人。来自荷兰,丹麦和挪威的火车也引起了人们的兴趣。阅读更多内容英国脱欧认为英国将跌至全球可再生能源排行榜的新低,瑞典的目标是到2040年完全依靠可再生能源运行,创纪录的绿色能源年可再生能源将超过化石燃料。 iLint由巨大的锂离子电池供电,这些电池从火车顶盖上的氢燃料箱中获取能量。液压油门每天可以以近87英里/小时的速度行驶近500英里,并且唯一发出的声音来自车轮和空气阻力。阿尔斯通首席执行官Henri Poupart-Lafarge在一份声明中说:“阿尔斯通为在清洁运输领域开展突破性创新感到自豪。这表明我们有能力与客户紧密合作,并在两年内开发出一列火车当氢气与氧气燃烧产生大量能量时,氢能起作用,唯一的副产品是水。美国航空航天局(Nasa)自1970年代以来一直使用液态氢将其火箭推进太空。


191108 Fuel cell vehicles are subsidized by 15% by country, and Fuzhou adjusts new energy vehicle promotion and application subsidies.


191108 The four-type bottle of Beijing Capital will have a capacity of 1,500 in the next year.


191108 Germany must overcome Asia in the hydrogen technology competition to ensure global leadership


191107 China the most important player in the hydrogen industry


191107 On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, the two countries signed a cooperation document on hydrogen energy, which opened a new chapter in Sino-French clean energy cooperation.


191106 German federal research minister wants an acceleration of the hydrogen initiative


191105 Crossing 9000km, the world's first long-distance transport experiment of liquid hydrogen began


191104 Put hydrogen to the end! Japan revised hydrogen / fuel cell strategy technology


191104 Fuel Cell Vehicles Roundtable Beijing-2019/11/04


191103 Israel claims that the efficiency of innovative hydrogen production technology is as high as 98.7%


191103 New Energy Vehicle National Big Data Alliance Annual Meeting


191103 The second generation of hydrogen fuel vehicles


191102 A detailed explanation of the number of domestic hydrogen car announcements, market size, industrial planning and subsidies


191101 End-delivery robots help express logistics


191101 Performance of the world-renowned car enterprise electric platform performance


191031 The first batch of high-density commercial hydrogen refueling stations put into operation


191031 Net-based blockchain empowers capacity development


191030 2019 Sino-German SME Cooperation and Exchange Conference is about to open


191030 China plans pilot programmes to facilitate market introduction of FCVs


191030 Hyundai Motors invests in three hydrogen fuel technology companies


191029 What fundamental changes will the blockchain bring to the automotive industry


191029 Report on the visit of hydrogen energy industry in Germany, France and Belgium by Foshan and Yunfu Hydrogen Industry Economic and Trade Delegation


191029 Li Shengqi, secretary-general of China Automotive Automatic Transmission Innovation Alliance, believes that looking at China's auto industry, Jianghuai Automobile has many characteristics that other companies do not have. It can be said that it is one of the most complete automakers in the product range.


191029 Chinese first hydrogen energy training institute settled in Nanhai Danzao


191029 The catalyst can be done in the laboratory, but the production is still imported. the huge gap between laboratory research and development and the localization of core components


191028 China's 500,000 vehicles in 2030 are the lowest targets for hydrogen vehicles


191027 Fuel cell application based on the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics


191027 Volkswagen plans to launch cheap pure electric vehicles


191025 95kW Qingneng Hydrogen Fuel Heavy Truck officially launched


191024 Power battery observation: China Aviation lithium battery rushed to third in September


191024 Japan's 2025 hydrogen fuel cell car prices fell to the same level as hybrid cars KingLoof Jinli Heng Beijing Jinli Heng Institute of Electronic Technology


日本2025年氢燃料电池汽车的价格跌至与混合动力汽车相同的水平KingLoof Jinli Heng北京Jinli Heng电子技术研究所
191022 On the 22nd, the 2019 World Intelligent Networking Auto Conference opened in Beijing. The theme of the conference was “Building an Ecological Wisdom to Lead the Future – Opening a New Era of Automobiles”. Beijing Shunyi District is building the first 5G fully covered automatic driving closed test site in China.


191022 The German Auag Technology Transfer Center has signed a strategic cooperation memorandum with Arena Innovation Center to bring about more SME cooperation between China and Germany while providing a comprehensive solution to clean liquid hydrogen energy for small towns and gardens with Chinese characteristics. The closed loop management of the park is provided from liquid hydrogen preparation, storage, transportation and use. Auag Technology Transfer Center assists in the overall technology interface. from the Valley of Hydrogen to the Hydrogen Society.


德国奥格技术转让中心已与Arena创新中心签署了战略合作备忘录,以促进中德之间的中小企业合作,同时为具有中国特色的小城镇和花园提供清洁液态氢能源的综合解决方案。园区的闭环管理由液氢的制备,存储,运输和使用提供。 Auag技术转让中心协助整个技术接口。从氢谷到氢学会。


At the Geely Yiwu Power “Micron Factory”, we saw the inevitability of Chinese cars leading the world |




191021 Germany: DHL and MAN Receive Millions in Funding from BMVI for Hydrogen Fuel Cells


191021 In Lu'an, Anhui, Hydrogen has built a smart factory with an annual production capacity of 10,000 sets of fuel cell stacks and systems. It has independently developed automated and intelligent production lines, including plate stamping, welding, coating, membrane electrode and stack assembly. , stack activation and testing, system assembly and system testing. At present, hydrogen energy has a batch production capacity of 30 kW, 40 kW, 50 kW fuel cell stacks and systems. The products have passed the national strong inspection certification and are widely used in commercial vehicles, passenger vehicles, rail transit, distributed power stations and other fields.


氢能在安徽六安建设了一座智能工厂,年生产能力为10,000套燃料电池堆和系统。它拥有独立开发的自动化和智能化生产线,包括板料冲压,焊接,涂层,膜电极和叠层组装。 ,堆栈激活和测试,系统组装和系统测试。目前,氢能的批量生产能力为30 kW,40 kW,50 kW燃料电池堆和系统。该产品已通过国家强检合格证,广泛用于商用车,乘用车,轨道交通,分布式电站等领域。
191020 Linde Hydrogen FuelTech is supplying its proprietary cryopump technology for the first public hydrogen station in California based on liquid hydrogen.


191020 Japan plans to invest in hydrogen energy to achieve a decarbonization society


191020 Hydrogen "heat" still needs "cold" thinking


191018 Shell – MAN project receives federal funding Today Minister for Transport Andreas Scheuer and member of federal parliament Christoph Ploss handed over a signed grant certificate to the project consortium of Shell, MAN, Anleg GmbH and TU Braunschweig for a project to develop and deploy a long-haul heavy-duty hydrogen truck in tractor-trailer configuration.


壳牌– MAN项目获得联邦资金的支持今天,运输部长安德里亚斯·舒尔(Andreas Scheuer)和联邦议会议员克里斯托夫·普洛斯(Christoph Ploss)向壳牌,MAN,Anleg GmbH和不伦瑞克工业大学的项目联盟移交了已签署的赠款证书,以开发和部署长期拖挂式卡车配置的重型氢卡车。
191017 Ministry of Industry and Information Technology "New Energy Vehicle Industry Development Plan (2021-2035)" (opinion draft) released. The "Planning" opinion draft proposes that after 15 years of continuous efforts, the key core technologies of new energy vehicles have made major breakthroughs, coordinated development and coordination, high efficiency, and improved industrial ecology. Pure electric passenger vehicles have become mainstream, and fuel cell commercial vehicles have become large-scale. Application , highly automatic driving intelligent network connected cars tend to popularize, China has entered the ranks of the world's automobile powers.


工信部发布《新能源汽车产业发展规划(2021-2035)》(意见稿)。 《规划》意见书提出,经过15年的不懈努力,新能源汽车的关键核心技术已取得重大突破,协调发展与协调,高效,产业生态改善。纯电动乘用车已成为主流,燃料电池商用车已成为大规模。应用,自动驾驶智能联网汽车的普及趋向普及,中国已进入世界汽车强国行列。
191017 The first China automotive integrated circuit chip industry summit forum will be held soon. With the advent of the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, China's auto industry has gradually entered the era of the new four. Driven by the car's electrification, intelligence, networking, and sharing, the complexity of cars is getting higher and higher, and car companies are becoming more and more dependent on chips.


191017 Schaeffler to Display Fuel-Cell Technology in Tokyo The automotive supplier is using its traditional core expertise in materials, forming and surface technologies in developing both fuel cells and fuel-cell stacks, or metallic bipolar plates.


191017 Volkswagen plans a third electric car kit using fuel cells


191015 10 Countries Moving Toward a Green Hydrogen Economy It’s early days for renewable hydrogen, but the potential is enormous, and several nations have an eye on the driver’s seat.


191015 Fuel cell vehicles: EU must act to build up much-needed hydrogen infrastructure


191015 Coal to gas reversal will be decided! The highest energy meeting: The first mention of Yi coal is coal, where is the development of natural gas?


191015 Brazilian scientists unveil new hydrogen production technology. A new technology which is capable of producing large quantities of hydrogen without the need to use electrolysis or other chemical additives has supposedly been developed by two Brazilian scientists.


191014 Handling hydrogen made easy for clean mobility, industry and energy for your convenience and safety for our future generations


191014 Marius Schuster: I think that FC trucks make sense under the earth, because the temperature there is high (over 40 degree Celsius) and fresh air ventilation is an issue. Hence, ICE (Internal Combustion Engines) are contraproductiv in this sense. Above the earth, maybe the energy efficiency could be a decisive criteria, as those monsters consume a lot of diesel. FC would be more energy efficient (about 2 times more, I guess). Or as it is stated in the article: "Operational performance of the converted trucks is expected to be the same or better than the original diesel trucks, with the additional benefits of cleaner air, less noise and lower maintenance costs."


Marius Schuster:我认为FC卡车在地下是有意义的,因为那里的温度很高(超过40摄氏度),新鲜空气通风是一个问题。因此,从这个意义上讲,内燃机(ICE)是适得其反的。在地球之上,能源效率可能是决定性的标准,因为这些怪物消耗大量柴油。 FC会更节能(我想大约是原来的2倍)。或如文章中所述:“改装卡车的运行性能有望与原始柴油卡车相同或更好,并具有清洁空气,减少噪音和降低维护成本的额外好处。”


191014 On October 11, Li Keqiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Premier of the State Council, and director of the National Energy Commission, presided over the National Energy Commission meeting to study and further implement the new energy security strategy, review and implement opinions on promoting high-quality energy development, and deploy this winter and spring protection. For work.




191014 Two major ammonia plants powered by green hydrogen planned for Queensland


191014 Australia backs trials to produce green hydrogen to make ammonia


191014 Freudenberg Sealing Technologies has partnered with the Pa-X-ell 2 project to develop a new generation of fuel cells for use on seagoing vessels. The first practical tests for the solutions will take place on the AIDAnova cruise ship and are planned for as early as 2021.


科德宝密封技术公司与Pa-X-ell 2项目合作开发了新一代燃料电池,用于海船。解决方案的首次实际测试将在AIDAnova游轮上进行,计划最早于2021年进行。
191014 the world’s first hydrogen-powered superyacht – a 367-foot vessel unveiled at the Monaco Yacht Show


世界上第一艘氢动力超级游艇– 367英尺的游艇在摩纳哥游艇展上亮相
191014 Norled’s hydrogen vessel to have impact 'far beyond' ferry sector 08 Oct 2019 by Rebecca Moore reporting from Interferry, London While Norled’s fully electric Ampere ’turned the Norwegian ferry industry upside down’, the operator expects its first hydrogen ferry to have an even greater impact


Reledcca Moore伦敦Interferry报道2019年10月8日,Norled的氢气船将对渡轮行业产生重大影响影响
191014 In September, the year-on-year decline in car sales narrowed. The production and sales volume reached 2.209 million and 2.271 million, respectively, up 11% and 16% respectively from the previous month, down 6.2% and 5.2% respectively over the same period of last year. The output decline was 5.7 percentage points higher than that of the previous month. The monthly reduction was 1.7 percentage points. From January to September, the production and sales of automobiles were 18.149 million and 18.371 million, respectively. The production and sales decreased by 11.4% and 10.3% respectively compared with the same period of the previous year. The decline in production and sales was 0.7 percentage points lower than that in January-August.


9月,汽车销量同比下降收窄。产销分别达到220.9万和227.1万,分别比上月增长11%和16%,比去年同期分别下降6.2%和5.2%。产量下降幅度比上月高5.7个百分点。每月减少1.7个百分点。 1至9月,汽车生产和销售分别为1814.9万辆和1837.1万辆。产销比上年同期分别下降11.4%和10.3%。产销降幅比1-8月下降0.7个百分点。
191014 China Electronics Energy Saving Technology Association and Zhonggong Auto Network will jointly hold the 2019 China Automotive Lightweight Technology Development and New Materials Application Summit Forum and Automotive Lightweight Material Connection Technology in Suzhou City on November 28-29, 2019.
191012 Bloom Energy Takes to the Seas With Samsung Heavy Industries Cargo ships could lean on natural-gas-powered fuel cells to significantly reduce carbon emissions. Can the opportunity help Bloom Energy to overcome its struggles?


Bloom Energy与三星重工一起出海
191012 As part of the Energiewende, Germany’s transition to non-nuclear, sustainable power sources, the Ministry of Education and Research will pump at least 300 million euros more into research on green hydrogen by 2023.


191012 "In 2018, there were 48 new hydrogen refueling stations in the world, bringing the total number to 369! From: Fuel Cell Teahouse Fuel Cell Teahouse 2/19 On February 15th, the website, operated by Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik (LBST) and TÜV SÜD, published the eleventh annual global hydrogen refueling station assessment report. The data shows that there are 48 new hydrogen refueling stations in 2018. By the end of 2018, the number of global hydrogen refueling stations reached 369."


2018年,世界上有48个新的加氢站,总数达到369个!来自:燃料电池茶馆燃料电池茶馆2/19 2月15日,由路德维希·博尔科夫系统技术有限公司(LBST)和TÜV南德意志集团运营的H2stations.org网站发布了第十一次年度全球加氢站评估报告。数据显示,2018年有48个新的加氢站。到2018年底,全球加氢站数量达到369个。
191012 South Korea launches hydrogen energy city plan: 40% of cities nationwide will use hydrogen energy in 2040 Fuel Cell Teahouse Today On October 10, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Korea announced the “Hydrogen Pilot City Promotion Strategy” at the National Inspection and Adjustment Conference."


191011 [China Auto News Interview] is a challenge and an opportunity, BMTS has entered a period of high growth China Automotive News Zhao Lingling BMTS Technology Today"


[中国汽车新闻采访]是挑战和机遇,BMTS进入高速增长时期《中国汽车新闻》赵玲玲BMTS Technology Today
191011 Shell Wei Sile: The speed of hydrogen energy business depends on the will of the government From: Wang Gaofeng First Element Network Today In Wei Sile's view, the hydrogen energy industry has a bright future, but the rapid scale development requires the government's strong support, and its development speed depends on the will of the government.


Shell Wei Wei Sile:氢能业务的速度取决于政府的意愿来源:王高峰今天的第一要素网在Wei Sile看来,氢能行业的前途一片光明,但是规模的快速发展需要政府的大力支持,它的发展速度取决于政府的意愿。
191010 #PlugPowerNews: Check out our #ProGen #hydrogen-powered tugger on display in #MULAG’s booth at @Interairport. We are proud to continue to bring clean burning #hydrogen energy to the airport GSE market! @hamburgairport


#PlugPowerNews:在#MULAG在@Interairport的展位上查看我们的#ProGen#氢动力牵引车。我们为能继续为机场GSE市场带来清洁的#氢能而感到自豪! @汉堡机场
191010 The CEO Who Wants Italy to Love Hydrogen Power


191006 The signing ceremony of the EPC contract of the Lijiang River lithium electric cruise ship and the awarding ceremony of the Hunan Office of the Renewable New Energy Energy was successfully held in Guiyang, Hunan. Renewable Talents and Culture Department On October 6, 2019, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the National Day, under the guidance of the new energy ship policy of the Hunan Provincial Water Transportation Administration, under the strong support of the leaders of Zhangzhou City and Guiyang County, Hunan Lilingjiang Lithium Electric


191008 hofer powertrain . With numerous offices across Germany, Austria, Italy, America, China and the UK, hofer has a truly global presence allowing comprehensive support for powertrain projects across all vehicle sectors.


191008 PowerCell Sweden AB (publ) develops and produces fuel cell stacks and systems, powered by hydrogen, and produce electricity and heat with no emissions other than water.


PowerCell Sweden AB(publ)开发和生产以氢为动力的燃料电池堆和系统,并产生除水以外没有任何排放物的电和热。
191008 Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH has successfully commissioned a fuel cell stack production facility in Bavaria, Germany, in response to the increased industry demand for hydrogen fuel cells.


为了响应行业对氢燃料电池需求的增长,Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH已成功调试了位于德国巴伐利亚州的燃料电池堆生产设施。 H2View Weekly Digest&utm_content=Weekly H2View Weekly Digest+CID_e80f86184220147da5ea530ae4519830&utm_source=Campaign Monitor&utm_term=Proton Motor commissions fuel cell production facility&from=groupmessage
190927 Experten einig: Wasserstoff ersetzt Elektro Die Zukunft des Autos basiert auf Wasserstoff und nicht Elektrizität!
190925 World’s Largest Fuel Cell Heavy Truck Rollout Underway The Future of Heavy Vehicle Propulsion is Hydrogen JMC, a Ford Motor Company joint venture, launches Class 8 (42t) fuel cell heavy trucks, powered by Horizon. SHANGHAI, CHINA, September 25, 2019
190925 Hans Marius Schuster: China accounts for 98% of the global electric bus stock, and will have more than a million by 2023.



190925 The hydrogen fuel cell truck system is developed by shanghai jenin new energy science and technology development co, ltd.Total load 42 tons



190922 On the morning of September 22, “2019 Hydrogen Energy Industry Development and Innovation Summit • Jinan” was held in the Golden Hall of Shandong Building.
190923 The Piëch Mark Zero is powered by a completely new battery type that is capable of rapidly accumulating and discharging its energy – and storing this energy in great amounts.
190923 Marius Schuster: "GreenGT. From racing to industrial applications. They produce hydrogen and fuel cell systems, power train systems could be used on heavy duty trucks. Located in Switzerland. A new trend is coming."
190922 Hydrogen Energy Industry Development and Innovation Summit was held in Li Yi, Li Yizhong, Chen Qingtai, Wang Zhonglin, Ling Wen, Sun Shutao, etc.
190923 Jinan supports the development of hydrogen energy. The maximum subsidy for the construction of hydrogen refueling stations is 9 million.
190922 Wang Zhonglin: Jinan will introduce hydrogen energy industry and accelerate the formation of a billion-dollar industrial cluster Qi Luzhen point 2019-09-22
190920 Marius Schuster: China started rather late in EV, so way passed the Hybrid, and now is actually leading the EV by number of vehicles.



190920 September 20, 2019 - Sinot Yacht Construction and Design Co. unveiled the worlds largest hydrogen superyacht concept, Aqua.



190920 MMC UAV’s new Hydrone Griflion H, a hydrogen powered drone, has reached a record-breaking 15-hour flight time.


MMC无人机的新型Hydrone Griflion H(氢动力无人机)的飞行时间已达到创纪录的15小时。
190920 Mercedes-Benz BMW gradually abandon the fuel car and turn to fully embrace the electric car.


190919 "Four Drives · Weekly" delineated nine hydrogen energy demonstration zones in Germany; Europe's second battery production alliance was established; BMW is still holding a wait-and-see attitude towards comprehensive electrification! From: Geometry Think Tank Geometry 4WD 2 days ago "Four Drives · Think Tanks" Hu Jingwen Gu Yang Liu Cheng Tao Weinian Zhang Yang Chen Shaofei Zhao Yulong Yu Wei


“四轮驱动·每周”划定了德国的9个氢能示范区。建立了欧洲第二个电池生产联盟;宝马仍然对综合电气化持观望态度!来自:几何智囊团几何4WD 2天前“四驱·智囊团”胡景文顾扬刘成陶伟年张扬陈少飞赵玉龙于伟
190919 The German Federal Ministry of Transport designates nine demonstration zones for hydrogen energy




190918 Hans Marius Schuster: the best part is yet to come: Germany is funding Euro 400 billion that includes a range of support and subsidies, electric cars, old homes, more hydrogen fuel production, and so on...


汉斯·马里乌斯·舒斯特(Hans Marius Schuster):最好的时刻尚未到来:德国将提供4,000亿欧元的资金,其中包括一系列的支持和补贴,电动汽车,旧房,更多的氢燃料生产,等等。


190918 TOKYO -- China, Japan and South Korea have set ambitious targets to put millions of hydrogen-powered vehicles on their roads by the end of the next decade at a cost of billions of dollars.




automotive news China September 18, 2019 06:38 PM
190917 Hans Marius Schuster: September 17, 2019 -- BMW again hinted at using fuel cell electric vehicles. This time it is a fuel cell version of the X5SUv called the i Hydrogen Next concept.


汉斯·马里乌斯·舒斯特(Hans Marius Schuster):2019年9月17日-宝马再次暗示要使用燃料电池电动汽车。这次是X5SUv的燃料电池版本,称为i Hydrogen Next概念。


190918 Um eine gute Akzeptanz von Brennstoffzellenfahrzeugen bei den Nutzern zu erreichen, ist eine ausreichende Zahl von verfügbaren Wasserstofftankstellen die wichtigste Voraussetzung. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde von Vattenfall, Shell, TOTAL und Daimler 2010 eine Absichtserklärung für den Ausbau der Fahrzeugflotte auf bis zu 1.000 Pkw und die Errichtung von insgesamt 5 öffentlichen Wasserstofftankstellen in Hamburg unterzeichnet. Davon wurden inzwischen drei Tankstellen realisiert, u.a. die größte Wasserstofftankstelle Europas in der HafenCity. Der Bau von zwei weiteren öffentlichen Tankstellen ist in Planung. Außerdem soll eine Tankstelle auf der Verbindung nach Berlin errichtet werden. Im Rahmen des Netzwerkes H2-Mobility sollen in der nächsten Phase 50 Wasserstofftankstellen in Deutschland errichtet werden.


190912 Nikola Motor Co., a 5-year-old firm in Phoenix that most Americans have never heard of, says it has an order to lease 14,000 semitrucks that will run on hydrogen, an assertion that, if realized, could mark the start of a significant slowdown in transportation carbon emissions


“尼古拉汽车公司(Nikola Motor Co.)是凤凰城一家拥有5年历史的公司,这是大多数美国人从未听说过的公司,该公司说,它已下令租用14,000辆将使用氢气的半卡车,这一断言如能实现,可能标志着氢燃料的开始。运输碳排放量大幅下降”


John Fialka, E&E News reporter Climatewire: Thursday,September 12, 2019
190910 Schuster, president of ARENA-INNOVATION, Germany, visited the high-tech zone to discuss the hydrogen energy town project. Zhang Xudong, Li Xiuqing and the leaders of the high-tech zone The Investment Promotion Bureau receives and listens to the project report.


“ ARENA-INNOVATION的总裁舒斯特(Schuster)参观了高新区,讨论了氢能镇项目。张旭东,李秀清和高新区的负责人投资促进局收到并听取了该项目的报告。 “。


190819 Marius Schuster: "Mercedes-Benz is back in the game! Two articulated fuel cell buses will be delivered by end 2021 to public transport operator Hochbahn in Hamburg."

More news - in German:

马里乌斯舒斯特:“梅赛德斯 - 奔驰重返赛场!2021年底,两辆铰接式燃料电池客车将交付汉堡的公共交通运营商Hochbahn。”
更多新闻 - 德语:
190819 MAN Energy Solutions Partners with the Bavarian Hydrogen Council. “We are excited to see hydrogen technology coming to the fore in Bavaria. Just like the Bavarian government, we are certain that hydrogen will play an important role in ensuring the success of the energy transition,” says Dr. Uwe Lauber, CEO of MAN Energy Solutions. “Together with the other members of this council, we want to give hydrogen technology the boost it needs to really demonstrate its enormous potential with regard to decarbonizing our economy and society.”

MAN Energy Solutions与巴伐利亚氢能委员会合作
“我们很高兴看到氢能技术在巴伐利亚州脱颖而出。就像巴伐利亚政府一样,我们确信氢将在确保能源转型成功方面发挥重要作用,“MAN Energy Solutions首席执行官Uwe Lauber博士说。 “与该理事会的其他成员一道,我们希望为氢能技术提供所需的推动力,以真正展示其在使我们的经济和社会脱碳方面的巨大潜力。”
190820 The Truth About Hydrogen.

190902: Government releases plans for green hydrogen to curb greenhouse gas emissions.

190906 Gary Nicholson: World’s largest hydrogen fuelling station launched in Shanghai

Gary Nicholson:世界上最大的加氢站在上海启动
190905 China Daily: "Currently China is developing at an unprecedented speed with a huge market for innovative businesses. It is the ideal time for us to expand our businesses in China," said Hans Marius Schuster, CEO of Hydrogen Society, a Germany-based energy company attracted to the platform.

中国日报:“目前中国正在以前所未有的速度发展,拥有巨大的创新业务市场。这是我们在中国拓展业务的理想时机,”德国能源氢能学会首席执行官Hans Marius Schuster说。公司吸引了这个平台。
190830 Marius Schuster congratulates to HyundaiMotorGroup, which just opened the Hyundai Hydrogen World exhibition hall in Shanghai where visitors can fully experience the potential of the future hydrogen society. Hence, will visit there from September 2-4, 2019.

Marius Schuster向现代摩托集团表示祝贺,现代摩托集团刚刚在上海开设了现代氢能世界展厅,游客可以充分体验未来氢能社会的潜力。因此,hydrogen-society.com将于2019年9月2日至4日访问那里.
190827 Germany: Bremerhaven Wants to Become a Pioneer in the Use of Hydrogen. Hydrogen is an ideal, environmentally and climate friendly alternative to fossil fuels in many places – and can be generated by wind power. One of the goals of the Bremerhaven initiative H2BX is therefore to promote the fuel cell as an alternative to the heavy and limited capacity batteries in electric vehicles.

德国:不来梅港希望成为使用氢气的先驱。在许多地方,氢气是一种理想的,环境和气候友好的化石燃料替代品 - 并且可以通过风力发电产生。因此,不来梅港倡议H2BX的目标之一就是推动燃料电池作为电动汽车中重型和有限容量电池的替代品。
190821 German Chancellor Angela Merkel Announces Hydrogen Strategy for Aviation:

190819 Compagnie CMB, one of Europe's most famous shipping brands, is leading the future of hydrogen power in shipping.

In an exclusive interview with the CEO of Marine, Saverys said: " We do not claim hydrogen as a shipping solution, but as we know today it is the most promising solution for shipping emissions in general and greenhouse gas emissions in particular.

Already the world's first offshore H2 vessel, CMB has invested in engine makers and is building a dual-fuel hydrogen ferry that recently won its first transfer order for its fuel-cell crew.

欧洲最著名的航运品牌之一,Compagnie 海事贝尔格 (CMB) 正引领着海运业氢动力的未来。


190819 "The 4th International Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Congress (FCVC 2019) will take place in Rugao, Sept. 26-28,and we sincerely welcome you to this session.“第四届国际氢燃料电池车辆大会(FCVC 2019)将于9月26日至28日在如皋举行,我们真诚地欢迎您参加本次会议。

190819 The largest zero-emissions plane to ever fly without any fossil fuels. This plane can fly 500 miles, powered entirely by hydrogen.

190819 Marius Schuster: "The key to winning the future will be for companies to band together, and build their own shared digital platforms. So, let's continuously work and develop our "Sino-German Digital Single Hydrogen Society platform"! If one starts a fire, many people can warm up themselves at it."

Marius Schuster:“赢得未来的关键将是公司团结起来,建立自己的共享数字平台。那么,让我们不断努力,发展我们的“中德数字单氢协会平台”!如果一个人开火,很多人都可以热身。”
190815 Beijing wants hydrogen energy projects sped up to be ready for two major events: The plan is that for the Alpine Skiing World Cup in 2020 and the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games, athletes, spectators and workers will be transported between venues with green, carbon-free, environmentally-friendly hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

北京希望氢能项目加速为两大事件做好准备:计划是2020年高山滑雪世界杯和2022年北京冬季奥运会,运动员,观众和工人将在绿色,碳 - 的场地之间运输免费,环保的氢燃料电池汽车。
190811 Harry@Linde: Great news from our Linde Hydrogen colleagues: as part of the „eFarm" project in Northern Germany, they have closed a deal involving five Linde trailer filling plants to be installed at four wind turbine sites. Furthermore, for two of these sites Linde Hydrogen FuelTech delivers its Twin IC 90 technology for highly reliable and efficient refuelling of H2 buses and cars. Thus, Linde is proud technology provider to the largest green hydrogen mobility project in Germany to date!

With the "eFarm" project, a #hydrogen infrastructure from production to processing to fleet use is being implemented.

Harry @ Linde:我们Linde Hydrogen同事们的好消息:作为德国北部“eFarm”项目的一部分,他们已经完成交易,涉及五个林德拖车灌装厂将安装在四个风力涡轮机场地。此外,其中两个林德Hydrogen FuelTech提供Twin IC 90技术,为H2公交车和汽车提供高可靠性和高效率的加油服务。因此,林德是德国迄今为止最大的绿色氢能流动项目的技术提供商!

190807 Chengdu Hydrogen Energy Industry Development Plan Released to Construct Intercity Hydrogen Energy Transportation Network Centered on Chengdu Plain.

成都市氢能产业发展规划出炉 以成都平原为中心建设城际氢能交通网
190803 Marius Schuster: Hydrogen Levels in German Gas Distribution System to be Raised to 20 Percent for the First Time:

Marius Schuster:德国天然气配送系统的氢气水平首次上升至20%:
190731 German Ministry of Economics is in preparation of a hydrogen strategy for Germany to be communicated in October 2019. The key role of H2 in facilitating energy transition and climate protection for Germany seems now been understood!

190729 Forbes: Could A Hydrogen Society Change The Planet? Yes — Here’s Why
福布斯:氢能协会能否改变地球?是的 - 这就是为什么
190802 Marius Schuster: Please find attached an invitation with a preliminary agenda for the next Chinese FCH delegation to Germany from September 8-15, 2019. The price is around EUR 1300 (could be half, could be double) depending on your requirements and finally confirmed schedule. Please contact me if you are interested.

190626 Marius Schuster: Australia and Japan have taken their initial steps to develop a new hydrogen export industry just in time for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics with a $350 million experiment that will see coal turned into H2, liquified, and shipped across seas.

"The chairman of Kawasaki, Shigeru Murayama, said in a statement to coincide with the start of work on the Australian joint venture that the hydrogen economy was materializing in Japan and it was 'wonderful to be breaking ground here in Australia'."

The first shipment of hydrogen from Australia to Japan is slated for the second half of 2020. Brown hydrogen is not the answer to a hydrogen economy, but the industry does need a starting point and affordable prices that can bridge renewable technologies in development.

澳大利亚和日本已经采取了初步措施,在2020年东京奥运会之前及时开发新的氢气出口产业,进行了3 .5亿美元的实验,将煤炭转化为H2,液化并运往海洋。

“川崎市主席Shigeru Murayama在一份声明中表示,恰逢澳大利亚合资企业开始在日本实施氢能经济,并且在澳大利亚开展这项工作真是太棒了。”

190726 Marius Schuster : Are you interested in participating in the 1st German 24h-H2-Ralleye taking place during the f-cell fair in Stuttgart from September 10-11, 2019 ( Please contact me directly! Participation costs per Team:
- Industry: 1.595,- €
- Institute und Universities: 995,- €
- Privat: 495,- €

Marius Schuster:您是否有兴趣参加2019年9月10日至11日在斯图加特举行的f-cell展会期间举办的第一届德国24小时H2-Ralleye(请直接与我联系!每个团队的参与成本:
- 行业:1.595, - €
- 学院和大学:995, - €
- Privat:495, - €
190626 Marius Schuster told about the first application of hydrogen technologies in port handling equipment in Europe.

Marius Schuster讲述了氢技术在欧洲港口处理设备中的首次应用。
190722 Raina announced: 欢迎各位朋友参加8月1日到3日在广州琶洲会展中心举行的康马展!同期还有更多精彩活动,不容错过
Welcome to the Kangma Exhibition held from August 1 to 3 in Guangzhou Pazhou Convention and Exhibition Center! There will be more exciting activities in the same period. Don't miss them!
190626 ITM Power and Shell 10MW electrolyser groundbreaking shows a collaboration primed for great success.
The electrolyser, which features advanced polymer electrolyte membrane technology, is expected to be completed in the second half of 2020 and will be the largest of its kind.

ITM Power and Shell 10MW电解槽的开创性展示了一项非常成功的合作。
190618 Synthetic fuels: Supporting Wärtsilä’s vision of a 100% renewable energy future.

190711 Fuel cells presenting mining, manufacturing with compelling opportunity – Isondo. If South Africans make use of their superior sunlight and their prime wind, they can generate a lot of carbon-free electricity at a cost potentially cheaper than when Eskom burns coal and pollutes the air.

燃料电池提供采矿,制造与令人信服的机会 - Isondo。如果南非人利用他们优越的阳光和强风,他们可以产生大量无碳电力,其成本可能比Eskom燃煤和污染空气时便宜。
190717 Marius Schuster: "Study finds FCEV (Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle) “more climate-friendly” than BEV (Battery Electric Vehicle) if range is 250km or more. Definitely good for China and Europe."

Marius Schuster:“研究发现FCEV(燃料电池电动汽车)”比BEV(电动汽车)更具气候友好性,如果射程为250公里或以上。绝对适合中国和欧洲。“
190713 Sherri (Light Art tourism) announces about a very distinguished Invitation from the Arch Duchess of Austria Princess Herta Margarete Habsburg-Lothringen, is a friend & Cooperation Partner for the furtherance of peace. It would be great if any of you would like to attend on the 12th of October. It would be a great opportunity to meet some very influential people. The special guest of honor is a reigning Monarch and advocate for environmental awareness, Prince Albert II of Monaco. This is an amazing once in a lifetime event, as you’ll read in my following post.

Sherri(轻艺术旅游)宣布奥地利公爵夫人Herta Margarete Habsburg-Lothringen的一个非常杰出的邀请,是促进和平的朋友和合作伙伴。如果你们中的任何一个人想参加10月12日会很棒。这将是一次与一些非常有影响力的人会面的好机会。这位特殊的贵宾是摩纳哥阿尔贝二世亲王的卫冕君主和环保意识的倡导者。这是一生中令人惊叹的事件,正如您将在以下帖子中阅读的那样。
190713 Gary Nicholson (Hydrostar) tells about his company: HydroStar USA has created the world’s first completely green electrolyte to produce low cost hydrogen without pollution. Developed by the founders Darrel Smith and Gary Nicholson this non-toxic and inexpensive electrolyte produces hydrogen using simple and rugged stainless steel electrolyzers. This technology will allow you to store 1000’s of Megawatts from stranded renewable power in the form of hydrogen. Hydrogen produced without the use of PEM rare-earth metals or steam reformation.

Gary Nicholson(Hydrostar)讲述了他的公司:HydroStar USA创造了世界上第一个完全绿色的电解液,可以生产低成本的无污染氢气。由创始人Darrel Smith和Gary Nicholson开发,这种无毒且廉价的电解质使用简单坚固的不锈钢电解槽生产氢气。这项技术将允许您以氢的形式存储来自搁浅的可再生能源的1000兆瓦。在不使用PEM稀土金属或蒸汽重整的情况下产生氢气。
190702 Reuters: China's 'father of EV' urges more hydrogen infrastructure to develop fuel cell vehicles.

190702 Hydrogen valleys project idea of Arena - Innovation Germany (Marius Schuster): "GreenH2Danube-storage and usage of energy produced by intermittent renewable sources using hydrogen"

氢气谷的项目理念竞技场 - 创新德国(Marius Schuster):“GreenH2Danube-存储和使用氢气间歇性可再生能源产生的能源”
190625 Hydrogen valleys first workshop in Brussels. Thematic areas for investment projects: Sectoral integration (Production of green hydrogen/Storage/Distribution of hydrogen)

190211 Hydrogen Roadmap Europe has been published! Hydrogen is an essential element in the energy transition and can account for 24% of final energy demand and 5.4m jobs by 2050, says the new study by the FCH JU, “Hydrogen Roadmap Europe: A sustainable pathway for the European Energy Transition“. Developed with input from 17 leading European industrial actors, the study lays out a pathway for the large-scale deployment of hydrogen and fuel cells until 2050 and quantifies the associated socio-economic impacts.

欧洲氢气路线图已经出版! FCH JU的新研究“欧洲氢能路线图:欧洲能源转型的可持续发展途径”表示,氢能是能源转型的重要元素,到2050年可占最终能源需求的24%和540万个工作岗位。该研究根据17个欧洲主要工业参与者的意见制定,为2050年大规模部署氢和燃料电池奠定了基础,并量化了相关的社会经济影响。
190629 Marius Schuster: "Wan Gang, who's been called the father of China's electric car movement, said that the nation should establish "a hydrogen society."

190627 Bloomberg News: China's Hydrogen Vehicle Dream Chased With $17 Billion of Funding. China’s policies boost its fledgling hydrogen-powered auto industry.

190628 Register for f-cell 2019 (Fuel cells and Hydrogen) September 10-11 2019

注册f-cell 2019(燃料电池和氢)2019年9月10日至11日
181224 GP Joule is initiating the biggest Germany's green hydrogen mobility project harnessing wing energy It was at InnoTrans 2016 in Berlin that Alstom presented the Coradia iLint for the first time. The launch of the CO2-emission-free regional train that represents a true alternative to diesel power positioned us as the first railway manufacturers in the world to develop a passenger train based on hydrogen technology. And just two years later, at 2018, the iLint entered into commercial service in Germany.

GP Joule正在启动德国最大的绿色氢能流动项目,利用机翼能源在柏林的InnoTrans 2016上,阿尔斯通首次推出了Coradia iLint。推出无二氧化碳排放的区域列车代表了柴油动力的真正替代品,使我们成为世界上第一批开发基于氢技术的客运列车的铁路制造商。两年后,即2018年,iLint在德国开始商业服务。
190628 - the world's first hydrogen powered train .

It was at InnoTrans 2016 in Berlin that Alstom presented the Coradia iLint for the first time. The launch of the CO2-emission-free regional train that represents a true alternative to diesel power positioned us as the first railway manufacturers in the world to develop a passenger train based on hydrogen technology. And just two years later, at 2018, the iLint entered into commercial service in Germany. 世界上第一辆氢动力火车 它是在2016年的InnoTrans柏林阿尔斯通首次推出了Coradia iLint。推出无二氧化碳排放的区域列车代表了柴油动力的真正替代品,使我们成为世界上第一批开发基于氢技术的客运列车的铁路制造商。两年后,即2018年,iLint在德国开始商业服务。
190628 REFHYNE ( ). The REFHYNE project is at the forefront of the effort to supply Clean Refinery Hydrogen for Europe. The project is funded by the European Commission’s Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) and will install and operate the world’s largest hydrogen electrolyser the Shell Rhineland Refinery in Wesseling, Germany.

REFHYNE(。 REFHYNE项目处于为欧洲供应Clean Refinery Hydrogen的努力的最前沿。该项目由欧盟委员会的燃料电池和氢联合承诺(FCH JU)资助,将在德国Wesseling安装和运行世界上最大的氢电解槽 - 壳牌莱茵兰炼油厂。
190628 In less than one day the group hydrogen society reaches 33 members.
